World panel

In this sub-menu, you can modify several general settings of your simulation.

Rendering options
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) is an effect that approximates the attenuation of light due to occlusion. This is generally best used as a subtle effect, in addition to standard global illumination, that darkens corners, crevices, or other features to create a more natural, realistic look.
Auto exposure (also known as eye adaptation) causes the exposure of the scene to automatically adjust to recreate the effect experienced as human eyes adjust when going from a bright environment into a dark environment or when going from a dark environment to a bright one.
Anti-aliasing (AA) refers to the smoothing of aliased, or jagged, lines when displayed on a computer monitor. In Skyreal VR, there are several anti-aliasing options you can choose from: FXAA and TXAA.
Light options
- Adapt Global light intensity to your liking
- Adapt Sunlight intensity to your liking
- Activate or deactivate Shadows
Physics options
Activate or deactivate Physics simulation
Activate or deactivate Gravity