Recording manikins in an ergonomic session
The use of animations while incarnating manikins is a beta feature and should be used with caution due to potential unexpected behaviors and increased final animation file size. These animations cannot be exported and are only replayable within SkyReal's VR environment.
You can also take ergonomic postures by simulating an operator's work directly in skyreal while the operator is using any motion tracking system.
Remember to start by creating a Manikin in desktop and creating a project and operations.
Once you have your projects and manikins and set up your tracking method system of choice, follow these steps:
Step 1 - User in VR launch the record of the animation.
Step 2 - User in VR performs all the actions while recording. You can follow closer these actions with our Spectator View.
Step 3 - User in VR must stop the record.
Step 4 - In Desktop, open the Animation tab an play the animation until you find your desired position.
Step 5 - Go to the Ergonomic Session tab on the right menu to select the manikin that your played in the animation and capture a Baseline